FMP: Week 1 - Intro to my All League FMP

The first week of my Final Major Project was focused mainly on planning and finalising my project proposal. In my FMP, I am choosing to focus on stylized characters in League of Legends style. It will sound cheesy but I can't even begin to explain how much that game means to me. Its magical lore, the love they have for their players, the visual world full of original ideas... I've been playing it for a good portion of my teens, starting in 2012/13. I remember being too afraid to play ranked in the beginning, so I spent almost a whole year training against bots and watching e-sports matches before even playing my first "real" match. Since then, I climbed to Gold 3 in League and more recently, I reached Platinum 3 in the more strategic version of the game, Teamfight Tactics (G2 pls sponsor me, I'm such a big brain obviously, lol). 

It was not until I learned about Game Art back in 2017, that I realised I could actually >make< the champions I love to play. Ever since, the thought kind of lingered in the back of my mind until I became more and more obsessed with it. It turned into an ultimate goal, to be able to work to Riot's standard, to be able to create something as beautiful, filled-with-story, captivating as the work produced by their amazing art team and ultimately, to be able to learn from those stunningly hard-working and dedicated artists. With this goal in mind, I decided to go all-in with the following project ideas:


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