FMP: Kled - Pedestal
I admit that over the past few weeks I've gotten a little tired of my Ashe project. Fortunately I had one more project to finish presentation for - the dear Kledward Teach, which I was looking forward to get back to. Unfortunately, my laptop did not share my enthusiasm :D I think the continous daily overuse of it (ZBrush + 3dsmax + PS + PureRef + Hannah Montana soundtrack on Youtube open at he same time) caused it to get slower in the past few weeks, so much so that the textures which normally loaded in a minute in 3DCoat took 15 minutes to load (+ 2 crashes) and subsequently also took 15 minutes per each autosave :D Well, I tried to use the time strategically and write this blog during the loading time. If Hannah Montana taught me something, it's that Nobody's Perfect and I definitely can't blame my laptop for not being perfect - everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days and "If things don't turn out the way you plan, figure something else out! Don't stay down! Try again!" *religiously chanting as I reload my Max file for the 10th time :)))))*
For the presentation, I wanted to go for a simple pedestal. Katia was super helpful and suggested I use the Bilgewater ARAM map as a reference for the concept. I liked the base for the turrets a lot, so I chose to do a pedestal with similar shape/materials :) She also gave me some more awesome feedback on the metals and bounce light which I will show applied later in this post.
For the presentation, I wanted to go for a simple pedestal. Katia was super helpful and suggested I use the Bilgewater ARAM map as a reference for the concept. I liked the base for the turrets a lot, so I chose to do a pedestal with similar shape/materials :) She also gave me some more awesome feedback on the metals and bounce light which I will show applied later in this post.

Pedestal reference: Bilgewater -Butcher's Bridge by Jeremy Page
Basic modeling (old textures in max):
Hallelujah, everyone loaded in 3dcoat :) Replaced geo + re-assigned the textures. The model is not rigged/posed yet though, just a provisional pose to check the scale. I wanted to block the colours out in Photoshop but then I found out that I get errors when importing/reimporting things in and out of PS. I did not have time to troubleshoot or re-install so I just went with the fact that I won't be able to use Photoshop for this one. I then did the color blocking in 3dCoat texture viewer.
Again, I hate how much I sound like I'm complaining but I'll rather cover my back than pretend nothing's happening :D So just to prove that I'm not making stuff up, this is what I got every time I tried to export to PS:
for about 10 minutes, with a crash following :D I'm saving to my external drive, and have enough space on my disk, and the .3b file only has 500 MB which should not be that much considering there are 3 different objects and some layers, so I'm not sure what's up. I'll look into it when I have more time though.
I defined the forms&cracks with simple painting in 3dcoat. I added some moss to suggest the Bilgewater vibe. |
I'll probably go over the pedestal again when I lose the tunnel vision. I can try to rig them in the meantime .)
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