PROJECT 3: Sculpting fish skeleton and additional assets

A small update on my sculpted assets. I feel like it's either taking me way too much time because I haven't sculpted in such a while, or because I'm naturally slow, or because I'm putting too much time and effort into this stage (if there is even such a thing as too much). Now that these main bits of the scene are done (apart from the parrot boi, leaving the best for last), I want to work on the rest of the scene very fast and learn to not be too precious about secondary assets. 

All in all, I do like how the sculpts turned out. I got back into the flow of using my shortcuts and customised UI, I remembered which brush is best for flat areas and how to fill some areas in without disrupting the flatness (hPolish + alt rules) and I genuinely enjoyed the process. I am thinking of creating an engraving for the plaque on the bottom of the fish skull, though I'm not sure what it would read. Maybe a badass name of a pirate who captured the striking specimen? :D I'll think about it and maybe add it in before I start texturing.


Lastly, a small blooper from the basemesh preparation stage. I've been goofed on so much by both 3dsMax and Zbrush during this whole process :D


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