PROJECT 3: More sculpting

Sculpting the environment wasn't as tedious as I thought. I was afraid of the cloth at first but after studying some Sea of Thieves reference, I found that the cloth was even simpler, flatter than I thought, so there was no need for overdoing it. Still, I feel like I could have done better with some of the cloth shapes, but I did not have time to do studies and learn proper cloth dynamics. I am noting this as a thing to focus on later in my post-uni projects though! One thing that went better than I expected were the floor tiles. I only sculpted on the few pieces of wood under my cloth (around 4 or 5 of them), which I then re-shaped, re-sized and dynameshed to create the floor texture, sculpted over those a little and that was it. If the floor was made for a game environment, not just a small diorama, I would have probably created a tileable texture out of it, but I saw no need to do it in this case.


My sculpts:

I re-used the planks once more when sculpting the box/crate asset. On the left you can see how so (assembled the previous plank sculpts, then sculpted over them to make them look more similar to the concept).

One asset I was looking forward to sooooo sooo much was the little parrot. I found so many amazing ones in the game and I couldn't decide which one to pick. As part of me trying to be more active on my art instagram (, I decided to ask my followers to help me pick the design I should go for. The parakeet won over the classic parrot by a small percentage :)
When sculpting this one, I did not have any major issues, it was mainly just time consuming (but the most fun one as well).


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