PROJECT 1: Modeling

The modeling process went on as expected. Lots of extruding, painful topology puzzle solving, endless studying of the League models on the Model Viewer site (but still lots of fun!)...  Main things I tried to focus on were keeping the volume balance of the design and economic use of polys (LoL is quite a low-budget game at the moment). I also tried to use symmetry as much as I could due to super-low texture in-game budget. Not sure how well I've done with either of those,  currently I'm at a point where I'm waiting for final feedback from a friend whose advice I value a lot, so we'll see!

Some useful tips I found when studying the Dota 2 Workshop doc:
- Like textures, geometry typically has a gradient, with the lowest amount of polygons being used around the feet/lower torso and highest density around the head and upper torso.
- Avoid creating long triangles as they tend to cause shading errors, especially during animations.

Starting with the face (cannibalized and adjusted mesh from my previous project, made much more low poly - e.g. the eyeball is not separate as it was in my previous model). Although it is supposed to be a helmeted character, I will still treat the face as one of the most important features -> Kaisa's helmet in a game is only an additional thing she gets when you either transform or do Taunt with her so the "official" design is the non-helmeted one (which will have facepaint as in the concept). I also added a "socket" behind the lips which is sometimes used from animation - not too necessary in my case as I'm not going to have her speak, but good practice as it's a common thing to add to League models.

Use of instances, cannibalizing my 2nd year pirate project (ended up changing the shoe anyway, but served good as a base). 

Figuring out arms, gloves, shoes. The pants topology is super-messy and will change a lot as I go on. Important to look at the model from upwards when adding forms and volumes, as that's the main angle players would view it from.

Simple plane-modeling based on my concept, played around with Push and Bend later to add volume, yet keep polycount.

Styling her up, figuring out the fur coat thingy topology, adding indication of turtleneck, also adding super low poly hair - a bit of an experiment to see what I can get away with in terms of low topo when painting on braids (wish me luck haha).

Helmet, glasses, keeping details balanced, keeping flow. On the right side you can see flat version of buckle I then adjusted to fit the League style a bit more on the actual model. Adding little golden wings to the satchels design to keep the aviator theme going.

When studying original League models, I noticed most of the long-haired champions having hair modeled in a "flying" position, probably for easier rigging and to avoid contact with other parts of the mesh which is not hair. 

The "final" mesh I sent my friend for feedback. I attempted doing smoothing groups on the left Kai'Sa, if they're approved, I will use them in the >>final "final". The turbines are not finished, just a base display of what the shapes and scale might look like.

Topology is cleaner but I am pretty sure it's not good/low enough. I will be waiting for the feedback as it's pretty hard for me to see which loops I could lose at the moment (been staring at this lady every day every night haha).

Main points of feedback I asked about:
 1. Which parts to connect together, e.g. should her arms be connected to the jacket? should her chest be connected to the jacket?
2. The jacket part connected to the breasts has some topology which I tried to clean up for like 3 hours but I still feel like it's wrong especially in the "hem" area. 
3. Overall polycount: is that something viable? Are there any obvious areas where it could be lower?
4. With the jacket, should I keep the little "fur" indication polys (I think I saw it on an Ahri model) or will handpainting it be enough?
5. Is it obvious that she's a pilot/aviator or have I messed up? :D
6. Will I be able to handpaint braids (like in my concept) on the hair topology I have or should I add polys?


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